Pratama Steel
Pratama Steel offers a range of stainless steel products and is an expert in secondary plate goods. Their goal is to offer premium stainless steel goods at affordable costs, and they offer a range of plate sizes so that consumers may select the one that best suits their needs.

Objective: Our task is to modernize a beloved brand without alienating a devoted consumer base or losing market share in a fiercely competitive industry. The challenges include keeping up growth, selecting the best ideas for significant effects, knowing the customer, and innovating while adhering to the brand's origins.
Solution: We worked with them to create a brand message that has elements of reliability, ability to solve complex problems, and critical thinking. Therefore, we present a new promise to PT. Pratama Steel is “You Matter”. We develop and design all marketing touch points, both visual and non-visual aspects such as customer service by focusing on the sense of every consumers are matter.
Empowering Brands, Inspiring Futures.
© Mahardhika Brand Consulting 2025